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A member registered Jan 22, 2024

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Hello mate, just stumbled upon your comment randomly, hopefully you can see my answer. I asked devs about macos build, and I was told it's just too complicated to do, because it would take a rewrite of entire code, if I understand correctly. 

However, you can play Noita on macos (I'm takling about newer macs with M1 processor and newer) by using small free program PortingKit (NOT Game Porting Toolkit, that's another thing). Just google it, there is a site and database, and Noita port is available there, not sure about itch version, but gog version works. 

What are your plans on this app? You mentioned you're thinking about moving it to Modular Play, will standalone version still be updated, or 2.0.1 beta is final release? 

P.s. I bought Granular and beta works like a charm, just curious. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for these updates, can't wait for final game! I just wanted to add another vote for the idea to use Galactic Alphabet for speech bubbles. It would look more.. dunno, appropriate I guess, because the numbers are looking more like placeholder. And blab-o-dex where you decipher those symbols will look more organic in this world, IMO. 

Maybe strange question to a developer, but would you recommend buying that for a casual user without any experience with music making? I'm looking for music software for Playdate to mess around with, nothing serious, just something to tinker with. I bought Granular because that exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm on the fence with Modular Play - will it be ok for not so serious use, or should I just stick with your simpler apps?